Modbus TCP Client Read Maps

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Modbus TCP client read maps page.jpg

Modbus TCP Client Read Maps are where you configure this device to read Modbus registers from other Modbus TCP devices, and store that data in local data objects. This page shows a list of currently configured read maps.

When Modbus display setting "Number" is selected under User Settings, Modbus registers will be displayed as type (e.g. holding register) and register number.

Modbus display setting number.jpg

Modbus TCP client read maps lines number.jpg

When Modbus display setting "Modicon" is selected under User Settings, Modbus registers will be displayed as a single value in Modicon format, e.g. 40001 for holding register 1.

Modbus display setting modicon.jpg

Modbus TCP client read maps lines modicon.jpg

  • Click on the map number or pencil icon to jump to the map editing page for this map.
  • Click on the trash can icon to delete this map.

Modbus client add maps.jpg

To add or insert new maps, enter a number of maps to add, and select a starting point. Then click the Insert button.

Modbus client copy maps.jpg

To copy one or more maps and insert a duplicate copy of them at another point in the list, select the range to copy, select the insert point, and click Copy.