Task Status

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Task manager status page.jpg

This page shows each task currently configured, and whether running, suspended, or stopped. If running, you may click the Suspend or Stop buttons to halt that task. The buttons will then change to Resume or Start to resume or restart the task.

The software version of each task is displayed here for reference. The port number used by the internal API is listed for diagnostic reference, and is not normally used directly by a user.

The error code is zero if no error, or any of the following:

Error codes 1001-1999 are reserved for database related errors. 1001 = internal error - sqlite_prepare failed, malloc failed, etc 1002 = failed to open DB 1003 = error while attempting to create table 1004 = error reading 1005 = error writing (insert/update, delete) 1006 = SQL malloc failed 1007 = failed to lock database

Error codes 2001-2999 are reserved for task management related errors. 2001 = failed to initialize 2002 = task initialization malloc failed 2003 = the I'm alive timeout expired 2004 = problem with global config file 2005 = attempt to open error log file failed 2006 = error in global configuration 2007 = internal error - shm size, pid problem, invalid task state, etc

Error codes 3001-3999 are reserved for universal application errors. 3001 = empty configuration 3002 = invalid configuration 3003 = validation failed (invalid parameters, out of range, etc) 3004 = null pointer error

Error codes 4001+ are open for application specific use. Task manager error codes specific to Modbus: 4001 = communication error has been reported 4002 = communication with coprocessor has faulted 4003 = coprocessor communication configuration fault 4004 = unable to open port to coprocessor 4005 = coprocessor firmware version wrong, can't run with this 4006 = failed to hard reset coprocessor

The error count information will be a sequence of five numbers a,b,c,d,e where:

  • a = tally of task lock timeouts
  • b = tally of object lock timeouts
  • c = tally of communication errors currently existing
  • d = indication of task initialization error
  • e = reserved for future use

You prefer to see nothing but 0,0,0,0,0 here.