Object Status

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Global object status screen 1.jpg

The Object Status page is a mirror image of the Global Values page, but with additional diagnostic information. If the object's value is being updated by a protocol function somewhere in the system, that protocol mapping will be displayed here.

The Data Source tells you where values in this object are coming from, e.g. Modbus TCP Client. The number in brackets is the task number (from task status page). The second item in the data source is the specific map number or rule number. The map or rule will most often be a "read map".

Note that only data sources known to the IoTServer will be listed here, namely client functions that are actively polling other devices to collect data. When the IoTServer is functioning as a server or slave, and other remote clients or masters are writing data to the IoTServer, the IoTServer has no way of knowing what these sources are. Therefore, there can be sources of data not explicitly listed here.

Global object status screen 2.jpg

The maps or rules for any protocol client that is actively polling other devices for data will have a "Set Source Info" button to "claim" objects for that protocol. That button must be clicked before any information will show up in the Data Source column here.

If there are conflicts, i.e. two different clients trying to provide data to the same object, you will see error messages when the Set Source Info button is clicked. To clear the source info and start over on the claim process, click the Clear Source Info button here.